Confessions of a Reader…

If tales of legend, myth, and fantasy topped with a cup of coffee interest you, I suggest checking out my book, The Writer and the Librarian. It’s a historical fantasy about a middle-aged woman faced with a decision: accept what is written in the history books or find out for herself the truth behind the stories. Limited edition copies are now available on my website (Shop – R.L. Geer-Robbins / Author ( or at


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One thought on “Confessions of a Reader…

  1. The 40’s are hard. I call them the reality years. Wait! What? The love and life I thought was real in books came crashing hard against the reality of post baby fat and the realization that I was becoming invisible.
    But then writers like Elizabeth Berg and Mauve Binchy started writing about real people who looked like me. Lived like me and yet still had a story to tell.
    And that was a game changer. Wait! What? I can read books that restore my faith in the story. Keep reading, your new season of books are there waiting on the shelf.

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